ASWP – How to Quickly Write a Blog Post Outline (Template)

How to Create a Blog Post Outline

Blog post outlines are simple documents that describe the angle and structure of your article. They make it easier to write clearly and efficiently while staying focused on your topic. An effective outline should include the following items:

* **Your topic**: What are you writing about?
* **Your angle**: What’s your perspective on that topic?
* **Your structure**: What specific points will you make to support your angle?

You can also include working titles, though some writers prefer to write headlines after their post is finished. This helps make sure your selected headline actually fits the finished article. Different writers have different approaches to creating outlines. Steal this process to get started, then feel free to adapt it to fit your own needs.

Step 1: Figure Out Your Topic

Get specific with what you want to write about. If you want to write about your recent vacation, you could narrow down your topic by asking:

* Where did you go?
* Why did you go there?
* When did you visit?
* How did you travel there?
* What did you do at your destination?

By asking yourself the five W’s (what, when, where, why, and how), you can break down any broad topic into more specific points.

Step 2: Figure Out Your Angle

Anyone can copy content they’ve found through Google but not everyone can bring a unique perspective to their topic. That’s where developing an angle for your blog post comes in. An angle is the intersection of your topic and your perspective. It’s part of what blog post introductions are intended to establish, helping the reader to understand not only what they’re about to read, but why they should care about it in the first place.

Step 3: Determine the Format for Your Post

Different topics will lend themselves more easily to different formats. Here are some types of posts you could consider and when each one might make the most sense for your article:

* **How-to**: Instructional guide on completing a task or learning a skill
* **What-is**: An extended definition of a term or topic
* **Why-is**: Answering a question that people commonly ask
* **When**: Informing readers about what to do in a given set of circumstances
* **Essay**: Writing about a personal experience
* **Review**: Covering a product you’ve used or want to recommend
* **List**: Rounding up your favorite things or options within a category or topic
* **Comparison**: Stacking two products or options against one another
* **Interview**: Sharing a Q&A with an individual or a feature article based on an interview
* **Feature Article**: Deep dive into an interesting story based on interviews and research

Step 4: Figure Out the Main Points of Your Post

One blog post isn’t enough to cover everything about your vacation, so you’ve narrowed down one specific topic. You’ve also narrowed down an angle that combines your topic with your perspective. Next, you need to identify the main points that your blog post needs to make, in order to follow through on your angle. To construct your outline, you’ll identify three to five points you want to make.

Step 5: Nail Down the Specific Subpoints You’ll Make in Each Section

Once you have the main points of your blog post mapped out, think about what you’ll say for each one. This can be as simple as two or three bullet points per section. Continue with each subsection until you have two or three subpoints for all of them.

Step 6: Think About Your Conclusion

Generally speaking, a conclusion should wrap up the main points of your blog post, and bring your topic to a resolution. But there may be other details here to consider.

* Is there a specific action you’d like the reader to take after reading the post, such as signing up for emails, making a donation, purchasing a product, or registering for an event?
* Is there a specific point you really want to drive home before the reader moves on?
* Are there other similar articles on your blog that you could direct the reader toward?

Step 7: Review the Structure of Your Outline

Follow steps one through four, and before you know it, you’ll have a completed outline. Take a moment to read it over and make sure your angle fits your topic and everything flows in a logical order. If it doesn’t, try moving some sections around. The time you spend on this now can save you much more time later.

An Example Blog Post Outline You Can Follow

Here’s what the finished product might look like when it’s all said and done:

*Headline: Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Hiking in Acadia National Park*
*Format: List*
*Introduction (angle): Acadia National Park is a great place to hike, but it’s even better when you know what to be prepared for. Here’s my personal experience.*
*Tip 1: Know your skill level and choose trails accordingly*
*Some trails will stretch your abilities but some are for experts only*
*You can get a trail map that will help you find ones you’re comfortable with*
*Difficult trails sometimes have alternate routes you can take if you get tired*
*Tip 2: Bring the Right Footwear*
*Good hiking boots are a must on most trails*
*However, decent sandals may be sufficient for some trails*
*Bring multiple pairs of boots and shoes for different situations*
*Tip 3: Overcome Your Fear of Treacherous Trails*
*Some trails will take you up rocky portions of mountainside on very narrow walkways*
*They are safe as long as you’re careful (just don’t look down) *
*The rewards are worthwhile when you see the views from the top*
*Tip 4: Prioritize Trails to Make the Most of Your Time*
*If you know there are certain types of scenery you want to see the most (mountains, forest, ocean, etc.) choose trails that provide those types of terrain and views*
*Tip 5: Hike at Off-Peak Hours (If Possible) *
*The park is very busy*
*Consider hiking in the early morning or evening to beat the crowds*
*Timing your trip outside of peak vacation season can also help alleviate crowding*
*End with a link to the park’s website to find more information*

Use This Copy and Paste Template

Here is an easy-to-use template that you can copy and paste into a document. You can edit and update this template however you’d like:

*Introduction (what’s the angle of this post?)*
*Type of Post:*
*Main point 1*
*Subpoint 1*
*Subpoint 2*
*Subpoint 3*
*Main point 2*
*Subpoint 1*
*Subpoint 2*
*Subpoint 3*
*Main point 3*
*Subpoint 1*
*Subpoint 2*
*Subpoint 3*
*Optional CTA*

When Should You Write an Outline?

*You’re writing a long-form post (approximately 1,000 words or more).*
*You’re writing about a complex topic that requires a lot of research to accurately cover.*
*You’re assigning a post to another writer for your blog and need to make sure they understand what you want the post to touch on.*

Does It Ever Make Sense to Skip an Outline?

The point is to clarify your thinking so you can clarify your writing and produce better content more quickly. However, the point is not to follow rules for no reason, and there are times when it may not be necessary to write an outline. For example, if you’re writing a personal essay for your blog, you might prefer to let your thoughts flow in a more stream of consciousness sort of way. Or if you’re crafting a short news blurb, you could probably write your entire post in the time it’d take to outline it. Use your own judgment, because when it comes to learning what works for you, experience will be your best teacher.

Now You’re Ready to Make Your Writing Life Easier

Writing outlines doesn’t have to take too much time in order to be an effective exercise. Once you get into the habit of writing them before starting on blog posts, and start to see the benefits of doing so, you won’t want to break the habit. Now, go forth and write better blog posts, faster! If you are looking for help with your WordPress website, reach out to AltShift WP.

This is a summary of the original article: ‘How to Quickly Write a Blog Post Outline (Template)’ located at ‘’.

Notice: At times when we research and write content, we used other sites, blogs, articles, and content to create our posts. If this is an informational post, the post is not AltShift WP’s own opinion or viewpoint. There is no intention here to infringe on copyrights or plagiarize any work. We even cite the source of our content if we use external sources. If there is content here that should be taken down due to copyright, please let us know at and we’ll take it down immediately. 

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